Ob aktualni rasti cen delnic se poglablja beda prebivalstva

Obetavne projekcije rasti delniških trgov in prihodki svetovnih podjetij ne bodo pokrili mesečnih najemnin in stroškov prebivalstva.
Fotografija: This file photo taken on February 16, 2017 shows the hand from a statue of George Washington, overlooking the New York Stock Exchange in New York.
Wall Street stocks were essentially flat in early trading March 13, 2017 to open a newsy weak that includes a likely Federal Reserve interest rate hike.Other key events this week include an expected decision by British Prime Minister Theresa May to officially launch negotiations to exit the European Union, and an election in the Netherlands that could see the far right party make gains. / AFP PHOTO / Bryan R. Smith Foto Bryan R. Smith Afp - International News Agency
Odpri galerijo
This file photo taken on February 16, 2017 shows the hand from a statue of George Washington, overlooking the New York Stock Exchange in New York. Wall Street stocks were essentially flat in early trading March 13, 2017 to open a newsy weak that includes a likely Federal Reserve interest rate hike.Other key events this week include an expected decision by British Prime Minister Theresa May to officially launch negotiations to exit the European Union, and an election in the Netherlands that could see the far right party make gains. / AFP PHOTO / Bryan R. Smith Foto Bryan R. Smith Afp - International News Agency

Cene delnic dosegajo rekorde. Prejšnji torek je sloviti indeks S&P 500 dosegel nov vrh, dan za tem pa je Apple postalo prvo ameriško podjetje, katerega tržna kapitalizacija presega 2 bilijona dolarjev. Predsednik Trump ob tem poudarja, da si je gospodarstvo že opomoglo od posledic pandemije, pri tem pa je težko spregledati 173 tisoč ameriških žrtev covida-19.
