»Svetovni sovražnik številka ena«

Finančni špekulant in filantrop, ki je postal dežurni krivec za vse naše tegobe
Fotografija: Activists of Egyutt (Together) opposition party removes a government billboard displaying George Soros in monochrome next to a message urning Hungarians to take part in a national consultation about what it calls a plan by the Hungarian-born financier to settle a million migrants in Europe per year, in Budapest, Hungary, October 5, 2017. REUTERS/Bernadett Szabo - RC150C929800
Odpri galerijo
Activists of Egyutt (Together) opposition party removes a government billboard displaying George Soros in monochrome next to a message urning Hungarians to take part in a national consultation about what it calls a plan by the Hungarian-born financier to settle a million migrants in Europe per year, in Budapest, Hungary, October 5, 2017. REUTERS/Bernadett Szabo - RC150C929800
